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Berndt Josef Wulf - P.O. Box 501 - Nairne - SA5252 - Australia
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Harris VFD Module Replacement
Old VFD Module

The Harris RF-1310, R-2368/URR, RF-7210A, RF-7405, RF-590(A) and many other models use vacuum fluorescences display (VFD) modules for frequency and mode indication. VFDs loose their brightness over time making them unsightly and hard to read. I had several pieces of Harris equipment with dull displays for which I failed to find suitable replacement modules at a reasonable price. With the original VFD manufactured by Futuba, P/N 20-SY-03ZL, no longer available, I designed a drop-in VFD module that replaces the orignal 10073-2400 Harris part. The picture below shows the result of this work.

New VFD Module

The following picture shows the Harris RF-1310 exciter with its shiny new displays fitted and the internal brightness adjustment turned down. A bright and crisp display for many years to enjoy at a fraction of the original cost.

Harris RF-1310 With New Displays

The design of a replacement module for the Harris 10073-2500 Numerical VFD is now under consideration.